Monday, June 13, 2016

Of memories and nostalgia

Last weekend was a big milestone in our household. My older V graduated preschool!!! At his daycare it is called Kindergarten Prep or K-Prep so he had a K-Prep graduation. These are kids who have literally grown up in front of my eyes and I have seen them transition from babies to young boys and girls. The teachers had put up a 15 min presentation which was a compilation of photographs from the year that was. Watching this video, I could almost feel the nostalgia that these kids are going to feel when they see this at their high school graduation. I studied in the same school for my entire schooling years so I literally grew up with the same bunch of girls (All girls’ Catholic school) from ages 3 to 16. I have distinct memories from my school days and thanks to the proliferation of social media, I am able to keep in touch with some of them. I hope that these kids when they look back a few years from now have the same nostalgia that I feel and also cherish the memories they are making.

On a slightly unrelated note, I spent some time looking over the blog posts of yore and it struck me how much life has changed for me in the last 11 years of writing this blog. So this is not just a journal for big and lil V but also for their Mama and I hope they enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy documenting it for them.

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