Monday, December 01, 2008

Asked to be tagged

Normally I dont force people to tag me... LOL!!! he he.. But this time I requested I be tagged by Sam I have a final in about 3 days and as usual I am sitting here writing blog post. Here goes..

Your oldest memories

1) Watching Dalapathi with my dad in Devi theatre (I think)

2) Getting ready to go to Hyd after final exam(same day) to catch the Hyderabad Express.

3) Spending hours at R's house playing with her Baby Alive

What were you doing 10 years ago?

10 years ago I was 14. So I was in 10th. And you know all the good stuff that happens with board exams etc.. But I also remember Phanindra's tution and the irritating folks who went there..(Not you Archu) I meant the others!!! It was also the time when I was finding out about myself and I made frnds with K who I am frnds with till date.. I also discovered the value of my math teacher Mrs.Grace whom I hated with a vengeance before that. It was also the year I read "Not Without My Daughter" for the first time. I was also living in the Lloyds Road house where everyone around me went to DAV... Ah I can go on and on.. I think I also read Sidney Sheldon's Tell me Your Dreams coz V made me go to Eashwari and borrow it. I also think I read the un-abridged Pygmalion that year..

Your first thought in the morning

This morning it was Thank God it is Monday..ha ha..(I dont work on Mondays you see). I usually think about what I need to get done that day. Earlier it used to be what should I wear..

If you built a time capsule it would have
Two of everything.. ha ha ha..

This year..

I started my masters which was sort of my dream. I also think I improved as a cook, fell all over in love again with my husband, missed my frnds, have two licenses in two countries where people drive on opposite sides of the road, grew up in ways I could never imagine!!!

What do you see yourself doing 14 years from now

Who knows?? I don't think that much in advance.. I am a live in the moment kind of grl..No not really!! ha ha.. I probably plan a few months in advance.. More than a decade no way..


Roma said...

yeah the post about what did you do 10 years ago is great! Perhaps I should write about that as well!!!! haha. how can I subscribe to your blog? go to my page and steal and configure the feedburner feed, it is great!!!!

Ne said...

OMG!! Haha, I remember taking the train to Hyderabad the same day of the last exam. 4 o'clock train no? :-) Also, I don't work on Mondays this semester either. I think I'm going to do this tag.

i think therefore i am said...

@hey roma.. u can subscribe to my blog by reading it sometimes.. We spoke about it..

@Ne..Exactly.. I am sure we were on the train together sometimes and just dint know about it..You are welcome to do it..

Roma said...

yeah, I bookmarked your blog, I will check periodically :)