Wednesday, February 07, 2007


It keeps bothering me and therefore I keep writing about it. Y is the marriage system in India so archaic.. Heck 20 years ago the girl and guy look at each other and it still works the same way today!!!!! I still know in this day and age where marriages are decided in a matter of 15 minutes.. Are life changing decisions made this fast. Think about it...In 15 minutes a person has to decide if he/she is the best spouse. How on Earth can a person decide over coffee or Coke if that person is right for them. How about other things that actually make a marriage.

I am a product of an arranged marriage that was fixed in 15 min 28 years ago!!! I am also a part of the arranged marriage.. As in, my marriage was arranged 2 and done 2 months ago. But it wasnt fixed in 15 minutes.. People require time to get to know each other and even then not everything is known. There are things that one learns to live with after marriage.. But 15 minutes!!!!!!!! I dont even judge a person's physical appearance in 15 minutes where would I judge my husband in that period of time..

God save the world and wish u luck my wonderful frnd...


C said...

One has to be broadminded and understand that for some people marriage might work even if they never met the other person and for some people it works only after living in...
Differnt people have different expectations..

i think therefore i am said...

@chakri.. I totally understand that a marriage can work even if u havent seen the person.. i personally know of several such successful marriages. The thing that I mean is understanding is the key factor.. And within 15 minutes u cant understand a person!! any understanding that is thus got would not be accurate!!!! or so i think

Couch Potato said...

sad but true.i went thru the whole torturous process of "groom hunting"the arranged way sometime back,and there is nothing to this day that humiliated me more than that process!
But,thank the good God,I did finally find my guy by myself:-)
and ,thank god,my parents were broadminded enuf to heartily accept !