Went for the India Day celebrations this weekend on the Esplanade by the Charles. I dint know that this many Desis lived in and around Boston. Salwar clad ladies and some kurta'd and some not kurta'd men standing in long lines to eat chat and drink sugar can juice... Hazaars of junta danced to bhangra and garba and maybe a bharatanatyam thrown in.. It was evident that these dances were choreographed by moms who were teenagers in 90s.. So someone created a medley of Taal songs which was apparently a fusion of Bollywood and Non Bollywood.. All in all it was nice to shove through lines and tap feet to early A R Rahman music..
Was invited to a Shravan festival at the home of one of my neighbors homes.. Ahhh to be married and attend random festivals at random households!! See when I was younger I could just avoid them with the lame ass college excuse.. But as a married Hindu woman you shouldn't not go to people's homes if they are going to give you pasupu(turmeric) and kumkum.. SO off I went in my finest armed with my mangal sutram and saree!!! Came home with a mega dose of guilt for not being a good home maker who cooks, cleans and folds clothes. To make up for it I cooked a giganto humongous batch of Indian food and pulled out D's t-shirts and ironed them.
Was cribbing to N about not going on hikes since we moved to Boston a year ago. This weekend D, R, S and I went on a hike on the historic Minutemen trail in Lincoln,MA. Was fun to be back in the wild and walk and take beautiful pictures of plants and wildlife..
I have those moments too..I can't decide if I wanna be here or there.. :-| but I do love the freedom I have here. :D that I'm sure of. heh.
@ne.. well yeah nothing beats that.
SOOOO glad you finally went on a hike. Got plans to do it again?
In my little town of population: 4220, there aren't many Indians, so I desperately miss all the obligatory festival/puja invites. as odd as it sounds, therefore have very little occassion to get all dolled up in ethnic clothes. I miss all that!!
heh! we already had a small hike from hynes to esplanade!
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