Friday, March 07, 2008

On Feasting and Fasting

Before people accuse me of pilfering a title. The book is Feasting,Fasting. And for those of you haven't read it. Please do so(free publicity for Anita Desai).

Hindu families check the stars and the moons and various other planets before giving their child his/her morsel of solid food.And they call all and sundry and the sundry's friends and family.

When a friend visits abroad or when we need to go visit somewhere we check out the food available or carry loads of podis and avakais and appadams and vodiyams and goodness knows wat else. My parents had an exchange student from Minneapolis and that boy came with a whole suitcase of food.Mac and Cheese(first time I heard of it),loads of frozen food, chocolates and gum.

Weddings,funerals,engagements,birthday parties all revolve around food. The chunk of a wedding budget for the grl's father is the wedding meal.And they each have their special set of food. Telugu ppl serve Boorulu and Pulihara at weddings and Tamilians serve Boorulu at funerals. Caused a bit of quandry at my wedding. Birthday parties need cake. Engagements just need grand food period!!!

If we want something real bad we are advised to give up our favorite food.Amavasya,Pournami, Ashtami, Navami, Sunday, Saturday, The day the sun rises in the east at 4.45 am we give up solid food. Or maybe a meal. Most people I know who give up a meal hog big time on the other meal with tiffin. I thot the concept was you eat light or eat nothing or something.. If there is a pooja, festival, wedding at home then you need to chill till the pooja was over.. I for one could never do it.. So, I was snuck food when the pooja was going on. At my wedding folks found a work around for me.. Cereal isn't solid food. Its almost just milk.. So its ok.. And so Kellogs Wheat Flakes( I don't think they have it here in the States) it was..

Why does our life revolve around food..What to eat?? What not to eat?? What should I eat to shed the pounds?? What shud I eat if I need to control diabetes?? What did I do to get diabetes.. I mean besides being born into a family where its hereditary..??

Folks, shud excuse me if they wonder what the hell I am trying to talk about.. See the thing is I am learning to write management memos for my class(yeah the one where I am passing time!!) and they need to be absolutely to the point. And my blog is about having no point watsover. And my brain is just unable to make the transition fast enuf from that to this and vice versa.. Quarter life crisis, I guess..

In conclusion, Anna Datta( annam provider, need not jus be annam..watever one eats) Sukhi Bava(live well)

Oh!!Oh!!Oh!! In second conclusion, do any of you folks remember the scene from Nuvvu Nakku Nachav where Venkatesh prays to God for his dinner..Check it out..Hilarious.. and the non-golt blog readers check out the similar scene from Parent trap!!!


Ne said...

boorulu.. i dont even like them. but i do like that thin papery type of sweet. dunno what its called. pulihara sounds like a feast to me now! lol!

i think therefore i am said...

that is called pootharekulu.. I am a big fan of those.. On ur pulihara front i suggest u try to buy a mix.. serves the purpose.. Ways to improve it..add a whole lot of oil/ghee..

tt_giant said...

at some point, i used to "fast" on wednesday nights - wont eat full dinner, but ate maggi or some ready made stuffs!

btw.. was that parent trap or meet the parents?