Monday, June 18, 2007

Creative low

I have hit a creative low. An official low point where there is a desperate urge to write but no topic good enuf. Loads happening in my life but when I sit in front of the laptop with blogger open in front of me I am hitting a blank. There is a certain pressure to write about something that is not trite and also something that is funny and captivates you and makes you relate to it. Phew!! what pressure on a house wife!!!!

Anyways, I want to bless my cousin another one to get married later this week. Pretty much covers the whole bunch. Hard for me to believe it but a whole generation just grew up. The images that run thru my head are of us all lining up in front of tatagaru to take our muti-vitamins. Or M standing behind tatagaru and me stuck in front of tatagaru listening to some lecture and he running around making fun of me. Or M and me sitting on top of the tank trying to identify stars. Or M and me writing a letter to M telling him to stop bullying his little sisters and dropping it in the mail!!! Not the one year that I spent in Hyd but the childhood memories stick. And we all just grew up!!!! God Bless her and the new life that she is about to embark on.

IF you wondering what the hell there are soo many M's in the family. Well our parents made some amazing freaky co-incidence decision to name us all with the letter M.

Well I saw the movie that was almost 2 years in the making.It was apparently the most expensive movie made and yadda yadda. And for three hours the Umerican Desi's left all their dignified Umerican-ness and yelled and screamed and threw paper in the air and generally had a ball. Yead the movie was Sivaji.Like my better half says " you can feel Talaivar's screen presence". I say" Yeah if he is on the screen for pretty much most of the movie you cant miss him"!!! Vivek did a great job according to me. He looks good and acted hilarious.

We are at the end of the our lease agreement so we are house hunting and someone called me Matthews. I have been called a lot of things in life but never been called Matthews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The course I wanted to take up in summer was cancelled. CANCELLED!! Now why would they do that. I wanted to do it real bad.

Wow!!! I managed to get out a post. And I thot I was at a creative low. Nothing hilarious but definitely trite. Well maybe about the M part of our family. And Oh Oh Oh I am cooking interesting things and they are tasting nice.

God bless and Wish that wonderful cousin of mine a Happy Married Life.


///slash\\\ said...

"Anyways, I want to bless my cousin another one to get married later this week."

=- is this like may you get your ass married in the next seven days or may your marriage thats scheduled in the next seven days be happy -yada-yada-yada one?

i haven't really recovered from most of the fast track marriages of me mates.

i think therefore i am said...

it was scheduled to happen in the last week and it did.
Most marriages happen real fast coz generally engagements dont last long.Who knows..Parties involved might change their minds!!! Esp the case with arranged marriages..

tt_giant said...

With the self-editing freedom given by blogging, no one can be at a creative low at any point. That is, if there are no expectations of what kind of a post to be written - for the author and the reader! ;-)

But you did manage to eke out a post out of seemingly nothing (well, there were some m and m guys' picture).

I feel that it certainly makes a difference to attend a marriage after one has actually been married!

Sreeja Nambath said...

I have been called a lot of things in life but never been called Matthews!!!! :) is hilarious!!:D

Jus wondering how somebody came up with a name like that for u!There doesnt seem to be any logic or even a meagre resemblance with ur name:D