Friday, May 18, 2007

Coffee and my tryst with it

Lingering over a cup chatting with friends. Sitting near a window staring out and contemplating over life in general. Gulping one cup down quickly before sitting down for loads of work. Sitting down with one before a long night of studying. And of course the large steaming cup to help reduce the headache. I am sure that most of us use our cup of joe for the above mentioned reasons and a whole load more.

I stumbled upon coffee when I was 19 at a kalyana mandapam where they served nothing but coffee and tea.(ie no milk!!!) and fell in love with it. The sights and smells of coffee give me a high (of the non alcholic kind). To me coffee is not an addiction.. As in, I dont need it to survive or start my day. But I do have an extremely hilarious addiction. I need coffee at weddings. Maybe it has something to do with my inception to this drink. As most are aware Telugu Weddings are at absurd times of the night and the only thing that will keep me going is coffee. 2 30 problem, if i start drinking coffee by 11 by the end of 5 cups it will be 2 30. Dont look at me like that.The cups at the kalyana mandapam are usually really little. My wedding was at 10:11 in the morning. But I dint want to break the tradition (bad karma et al) . So I had my shots of coffee. 5 minutes before muhurtam with the sheet between TTG and me when he couldn't see me I had my coffee.

Back in my Wipro sojourn 16 hour days usually meant coffee at the end of 8 hours. And another one at the end of 10 hours. By which time they would shut the coffee machine. And I am not a big fan of the instant variety that the Lipton vending machine dispenses. Half of its water anyway!!! I need my black coffee with milk. More black than milk. The best coffee I have had is a a huge giant tumbler that an aunt made for me in Bangalore, when I was interning there.

I do get a lot of the caffeine thing and back when I was in India and un-married I used to get the coffee makes you darker thing. I also get the coffee can be addictive thing and the general coffee is not good for your health thing. But what the heck. I am not addicted to it. Just need it like a bit of adrenaline now and then to get me through activities. That is not wrong is it? (Gawd, I am sounding bad even to myself)

However here comes the problem, I dont make good coffee. Well, atleast I dont like my coffee(that is the coffee I make). I make great tea. However, I dont like tea!!! Recent solution that I have hit upon. TTG (though he doesnt drink it) makes a really good cup of coffee. I also discovered a StarBucks within walking distance from home (heck, I wouldnt go if it was further, I would just loose the urge for it)
I am a strong liker ( big fan) of small bistros or the friendly coffee shops where you can sit with ur cuppa and chat and eat a whole lot of cookies or biscuits. There is something about the ambience and the smell which gives me the "feel good" feeling. But till I discover that, TTG I am depending on you to tide me through the migranes or if we do attend any weddings around here.

A little mokke that I thought of.. If you dont get coffee, eat tiramisu.. haar haar haar..


BoldTaurean said...

coffee rocks..filter coffee is the best! I hate the instant one from the machine..

i think therefore i am said...

@boldtaurean.. yay!! the empathy from the Indian Techie.. Glad to see you relate

tt_giant said...

hehe.. glad that u liked my coffee. actually, i like to walk thru the coffee aisle in the supermarket for the smell!!

Raju said...

me drinks no coffee no tea.. I read in my org chem book that caffeine, being an alkaloid, causes a temporary high followed by a low.. Obviously it doesnt seem to be the case for everyone, but I stay away from it.. I wouldnt mind drinking one cup of tea per day now, I guess.. after reading its + effects..

Speak Logic said...

coffee... every coffee lover has his own passionate way of putting up his story... u r no exception, jus that everyone can co-relate his life with ur blog... :).

Yaa, its more than a year since my last blog... u can observe how busy i have become, not even finding time to comment on ur blogs... will post one very soon... not one but many... will look forward for ur comments... :)

i think therefore i am said...

@raju.. OMG!! u and ttg have way too much in common.. And tea the green variety is supposed to have a lot of positive effects. But as far as I am aware.. tea has caffeine too

@speak logic.. thanks a lot. And yeah looking forward to the next post