Tuesday, September 26, 2017


About a month ago today we hit a couple of milestones in the house of V & V. Big V started public kindergarten and Lil V turned 2. This means we can officially stop counting his age in months and switch to years!!!

Big V has been taking the school bus every morning and this involves frantic morning dashes to make the bus. As I am getting stuff ready in the morning for him I wonder if mornings were this challenging for my parents. I don't remember being packed meals which came in thermos's for hot food and variety everyday and a fruit and a desert. I got one thing in a stainless steel dabba and that is what I ate. When I was older, occasionally my mother would give me money to buy food in the canteen which was this rickety old tin box with a man in it who sold samosas and chocolates etc. But here I am planning out meal plans and ensuring that there is a main meal and there is a desert and there is a fruit.

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