Thursday, December 31, 2015

My two groovy babies

2015! It is that time of the year - to look back and take stock. And what a year it has been… Our lives changed forever. We added a new member to the family and now it is officially complete. Veer is now 4 years old and Vaasu is now 4 months old. Each are as different as chalk and cheese and I am amazed that these two humans that I produced are each teaching me life lessons. Veer is an amazing older brother and Vaasu adores his older brother and tracks him all over the place. Developmentally, Veer has become quite a debater. He has responses for pretty much anything and I affectionately refer to him as my “Question Bank”. Vaasu is also quite a politician. He needs an audience and he will begin talking and talking. He talks to the ceiling fan, he talks to the lamps, he talks to the phone (irrespective if there is a person on it or not) and of course, if someone is in front of him then he will treat us with smiles and wonderful speeches.

I am looking forward to the fun challenges that 2016 will bring to us and watch my babies grow.  I have modified Pete the Cat’s Groovy Buttons song so it now goes:

My babies, my babies, my two groovy babies – My Veeru, My Vaasu my two groovy babies

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