Monday, January 23, 2012

To Renewed Beginings

When I started this blog many many moons ago I had entered a new chapter in my life. I had finished a significant portion of my education and moved out of the secure, comforting awnings of my parents’ home. I was living by myself and working and learning the ropes of adulthood. I am attempting to resurrect the blog as I just entered another chapter of my life. I became a mother to a little darling boy who shall be known as VDK (read vee-dee-kay) which in Telugu means “for him”. So I am kinda writing a blog “for him” to chronicle his mom’s emotions through his early life. Writing this blog helped me a lot with the previous chapter of my life and I am hoping that by returning back to writing I will get some support and sanity in the otherwise crazy life of being a new & working mom.
Motherhood in a nutshell means having boatloads of patience. And I don’t mean small rafts but giant Titanic sized ships of patience. I should have called it shipload then…LOL!!  And no, it’s not just in dealing with baby - but in dealing with the free advice that people think is wise to dispense to a new mom.
The first week of lil VDK’s life was chaotic. He arrived a few weeks ahead of schedule and hence we weren’t prepared for the nitty grittys such as diapers and setting up the bassinet. After bringing him from the hospital D and I made a frantic Babies’R’Us run for essentials and bought giant jumbo packs of diapers and formula little realizing that babies change diaper sizes super-fast and a one week old doesn’t drink 8 oz of formula at one shot!!! It took us about 4 days to get the hospital tags off our own hands and a few more days to get them off VDK’s little ankles… In our sleep deprived state we took tons of pictures attempting to document every moment of his existence and his multi colored poop (ok this was to show the doctor!) We filled out forms for birth certificates and health insurance. The first time I was signing the waiver at the hospital as force of habit I began writing my own name and had to ask for a new set of papers to fill out and put my name against Parent/Guardian… VDK’s first visit was of course to the temple where he was officially introduced to the world in the form of a namakaranam. In the middle of the chaos it was D’s and mine wedding anniversary. I am now the proud owner of a Tiffany’s Diamond ring (which was more for the first born than the wedding anniversary) but we didn’t do anything. What got me through the early weeks was advice I received from a random parent in the waiting room at the doctors. Small kids = small problems, Bigger kids = Bigger problems.
Now, at almost 9.5 weeks lil V is starting to display his personality. His best friend is his maternal grand mom who talks to him in a language he understands. He has phone conversations with his grand pa. He chills out with his dad who is thanking his stars that his son has an ear for music and he lets me be the helicopter parent that I am turning into. He still sleeps in the car seat thereby allowing us occasional trips out of the house.  He is braver than us at the doctor’s visits for his shots crying for about 30 seconds while his father and I are freaking out and apologizing for putting him through the agony.  And that is my entry into motherhood J


tt_giant said...

Nice writeup. Here's wishing ourselves to becoming parents!

nandita said...

Welcome back! Lovely to read about VeeDeeKay (love the moniker). And I can't believe my crazy friend from collge has turned into such a sensible mom! Eager for more :)