Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Intelligent People and Daunting Experiences

Due to the lukewarm respone to my previous post decided to write a new one sooner than planned..
Watched Iron Man. A cool movie. Full of cool dude gadgets and gizmos and a man who flies to Afghanistan from US by himself in air. He also flies to the moon and back.. Or actually somewhere near the moon..As in, in the general vincinity of the moon.. Gweneth Paltrow was wasted though..
Turned a year older.. Its started getting scary.. I realized that one day before my birthday I still wasn't excited about it. Then the warning bells went off in my head.. I am not even near the quarter century mark as yet..But anxiety started.. Most of my childhood was spent thinking about when I would reach college and then for some reason my memory froze.. I never thought about what happens after college..So now at the ripe age of under quarter century and above a few years below that panic is setting in..

Folks visiting from India.. New experience when it turns out that your parents arent invincible. Spooked my mom totally about the smoke alarm to such an extent that she refuses to make dosas now.. Was exhilarating to see my parents at the airport but daunting to see them shiver in the New England cold.. Remembering all the Jhumpa Lahiri immigrant experience.. To be honest it wasnt such a culture shock for me when I arrived in the States as it is for my parents.. Why because I watched Friends when I was in India.. he he he... (Private joke for my husband who thinks most of my types learnt about America from FRIENDS.. maybe true to an extent)

Inspired by N I am planning to try to turn Vegan for a week.. Researching it a bit I realized South Indian Hindu Vegetarians are a weird brand of herbivores. We arent vegan and we arent what most other people consider vegetarian.. We dont eat fish.. We dont eat meat and we dont eat chicken.. And we think chicken is meat and fish is meat as well.. So its difficult to explain our brand of vegetarianism to folks here..Let me see if I can stick out vegan.. Coz I dont mind soy milk or tofu and found an ice cream that serves Tofutti Ice Cream at Harvard Square..

Talking about Harvard Square.. Most people know my love for Cambridge and the Harvard Square area.. And also my dislike for Dunkin Donuts.. I like the bagels. Not a big fan of Donuts in general and hence not sure but absolutely abhor their coffee.. And I think Starbucks rocks.. After extensive research( read walking around Harvard Square everyday last semester) I can aver (albeit hesitantly) that there isnt a Dunkin Donuts around Harvard Square except for in the station. There are 2 Starbucks.. 2 Au Bon Pains and even a Finagle Bagel.. Therefore I conclude that intelligent people drink at StarBucks!!!

Doing some interesting classes this semester one of which is called Negotiation.. Will update more on that later..
For now as its time to head to class Au Revior.. Have a Nice Memorial Day if you live in the States and a nice weekend if you live elsewhere


Raju said...

Belated happy birthday!! The only positive thing about birthday nowadays is receiving wishes, and at times gifts from friends and family..

Bg said...

hey have u had donuts at Shipleys? It is supposed to be very tasty!!! And starbucks rocks!!!:-)

nandita said...

Ditto about not thinking beyond college..but in my head i'm still in college(though what i do in grad school is fruitless,thankless day labour).So i still get very excited about birthdays - real and fake :D

i think therefore i am said...

@raju.. thanks for the wishes..

@gayathri am generally not a fan of donuts.. shud check out if they have Shipley's in Boston though..

@nanta.. fake bdays are more fun..

Pinku said...


came to ur blog just before lunch and all that mention of food...really got me hungry...so though i was planning to check out a few more posts...i will take a break and get back later..

i think therefore i am said...

@ pinku.. welcome to the blog.. My next post goes into greater detail about food as well!!! Hope u like the post as well.. Keep visiting